
The Testimony, Defense, and Light
Shone by a Guy Named Chad

Written to the thinking Christian, Superbook: The Testimony, Defense, and Light Shone by a Guy Named Chad aims to awaken the Body of Christ to a few of its most common errors. Christendom is in need of a healthy dose of clarity—there is little debate about this—and the "7 complaints to the Church" raised in this book can help bring just that. Read it, then forward the file to the rest of the Body.
four stars
"Chad's command of scripture is
   quite compelling, considering."
Spirit Force Church of
Christ in Cambridge
three and a half stars
"He who endures this book
till the end shall be
  saved from himself."
Brainpants Magazine
"This man can
   not know God."
Rev. Graham
"Cracker" Dolson